I love being a Mom and it is worth it, but it is harder to make the decisions for Nate than I ever thought it would be. Hopefully it will get easier and easier...although I know there will be new challenges.
Speaking of loving being a Mom....it is amazing how quickly you fall in love with a little tiny baby. I have never fallen in love so quickly in all my life. I never really pictured myself with a son, I always pictured myself with daughters. When I got pregnant I just knew that it was a boy, so he wasn't really a surprise. The thing that is surprising is that I love being in my little house full of men. I am having great fun hanging out with Tom and Nate. They are the light of my life!

Did you know that after having a c-section you can't drive for 4-6 weeks? I didn't. So here I am hanging out alone (with Nate) at the house. So I may write more than I would otherwise.
Hey Trina -
I never got the chance to say Congratualtions on your little one!! Sounds like he made your life a little difficult as he enetered the world! From now on, nothing will be the same!
After reading this post, I wanted to say that I loved what Babywise did for Stephen, so I certainly recommend the book...However, it IS hard to get them on the schedule and even when you do, it is not a guarentee that they will sleep through the night at 8 weeks! But, they adjust to the schedule soon enough and do really well with structure.
Congrats again! I know you will be an excellent Mommy!
Jennifer Jones
that *is* a long time to be stuck at home without driving...yuk. Well, i love to see your writing, and esp your pictures and videos, so I can't complain about those consequences :-)
I agree with you about how intimidating it is to be the one making the decisions about his well being. Esp when it's in front of your family! When I was in Portland, at my gramma's, she kept thinking Maren had eaten enough (when she was scarfing down loads of burrito) and my mom just told her, "mom, her mother is right here and if she thinks something needs to change, she'll change it". What a confidence booster!!
Your baby is your best manual. Though. . . not always the easiest to read.
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