Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hanging out with Mama and Smudge

Don't miss the post below with CRAWLING videos!!

Watch out here I come!!

I am now crawling up on my hands AND KNEES!! Look out world, here I come!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Playing with Dada part 2

I love to have Ralphie (the CU mascot) tackle me. I kept pushing him away for Daddy to make him get me again.

Playing with Dada

I like to play peak-a-boo. I was waving at Mama everytime I uncovered my head.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm also a talker...

I like to talk a lot!

I'm mobile....

I am trying to figure out how to get places without the assistance of my parents! I'm not fast and don't go far....but I will SOON!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Update #1

Sorry it has been so long since we have posted. It has been a very busy month for us all. Daddy started his rotations and for a while was working nights. We missed him. So to make for the long break you will find three new posts to cover all Nate's growin' up!

Tonight Nate got to taste Spiedies for the first time...he made funny faces with each bite, but he ate several pieces and kept coming up for more!

He also has started holding his own bottle, though rarely for the entire thing, he usually wants Mama to hold it after a while.

Nate has also starting standing holding on to his favorite musical toy. There is a movie below of his standing at it. Sorry, for some reason Mama can't remember that you can't hold the camera sideways when you're taking a video!!! Oops...

update #2

We tried to take a bunch of pictures the other night to make up for the lack of pictures from the past few weeks!

Here he is in Daddy's hat. His favorite new game is to pull up the tiles of his mate!!

update #3

A week or so ago he was cuddling with Elmo and fell asleep on him, unfortunately this Elmo speaks when you push his stomach. Everytime Nate would move Elmo would say, "Elmo loves you." Or some other such thing. After 3-4 times it woke Nate up....crying!

Nate likes to stick his fingers or the base of his thumb into his mouth after every bite of something yummy!!