Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Texas Residents...

So its official, we're Texas residents. Unfortunately we live far enough out of San Antonio city limits that we are still without internet at home. We can check our email and such on our phones, but I have been unable to do any blog updates since the move. Hopefully we can find a way to fix it soon.

We are loving out new home and playing with Trina's Aunt, Uncle, cousins and their kids on a regular basis in San Antonio. Below are pictures of the house. We've done some painting and Tom & his Dad built a bookcase into the "library" (front room).
Nate is really growing up. He is just chatting away and regularly talking in small 2-3 word phrases. He is really becoming a good communicator. He is great fun, although he is really entering the world of the terrible twos!
Although Tom has been separated from us much of the summer (with only short visits built in), we have been blessed to have several visits from family over the summer. Tom's Dad & brother helped us move. My Mom, sister-in-law, and niece helped us unpack and do some painting (with help from my aunt and cousin too). My Mom also visited again shortly after that when I had some unexpected medical issues. Tom was able to visit twice and the second time his parents came too. We all spent a week at Tom's parents house and Nate and I are visiting my parents for a couple of weeks. Nate has really enjoyed getting to know all of his grandparents!