Sunday night / Monday morning at 12:30 I woke-up to go to the bathroom and my water broke. We packed up our stuff and headed to the hospital. Once at the hospital they started me on a pitocin drip to start contractions. By 5:30 it was working and i was feeling it. At 9:00 am they tried to give me an epidural....I have scoliosis and am not sure if that plays into the story, but the epidural was not done as planned. I got a "spinal" rather than an epidural, meaning it was inserted deeper and has a few more risks....and had to be "re-dosed" every hour or so. At 3:00pm they said I was almost completely dilated and would start pushing soon. Well it wasn't then until 5:00 pm that the last fraction of my cervix was done and they let me start pushing, which felt better than trying to stop that urge. I pushed from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm with essentially no progress. My doctor, who is a family practice physician, called in another physician who was the chief OB/GYN in the hospital for consultation. He decided that Nate was not turned up or down, but was rather facing sideways. His head was down and stuck in the birth canal, but no going to go any further. At that time they decided to do a C-section. Now the accidental "spinal" was kind of nice, as it could give more complete block for the pain. Nate was born at 9:10 pm on Monday, October 29th. He was 8 lbs and 6.8 oz. I was in recovery to really see and kiss my son by about 11:00 pm. I was in my private room at about 1:00 am - 24 hours after the process started.
Wow what an amazing experience. I think I strained my shoulder, neck and head muscles during the 3 hours of unsuccessful pushing, which has left me with am amazing headache. I have a hard time sitting straight up, walking or straining. The difficult thing is that one side affect of a "spinal" is a "spinal headache" when spinal fluid leaks from the insertion site. I don't think that is what this head ache is, but it had the physicians and medical personnel a little worried. They let Nate and I go home today, but I am still struggling to even bathe myself or go to the bathroom by myself. Luckily my mom flew out yesterday to help. She and Tom are having to care for me and little Nate too! Hopefully in the next few days I will be more able to function and help care for my new little son. I can hold him in bed and am trying to nurse him, but can't change his diapers or clothes or do much else for him. Luckily we can still cuddle. Any way, just wanted to share and show you some pictures of my CUTE little boy, who by the way has a round head....not all squished like most babies :)

This is Nate under the UV lights as he was a little jaundiced. As I feel better and am have time to figure out our new life together I am excited to write and tell you all about it!
In Love with Nathan Rodger Willson....
His Mom
Congrats!!! He is super, super darling. Hope you start feeling better soon!
Trina- too bad you had such a traumatic labor story. I am sorry that you had to push so long - that can definitely wear you out. Hopefully you're recovering better by now. Again, we're so thrilled for you guys - and your little one is so dang cute!
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