Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Nana & Pappy's

We had a fun Christmas in Colorado.  Nana gave Nate his first whole apple.  He LOVED it and wants one every time he sees one.

Nate got several trucks and a soft fuzzy doggy...that he LOVES.

Mama, Dada and Nate went to the mall on Christmas eve and Nate picked out a hat at the hat store.  He picked it off the shelf so Dada thought he needed it.  He has been wearing it ever since.
Nate and Dada in their hats & Nate loving on Maddy the dog!

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

To Grandmother's house we go...

What a fun weekend at Grandma & Grandpa's house. It was cold outside, but warmed our hearts. Ahh, mama's being corny. Anyway, Nate and Grandma did some reading together.

Nate LOVED his Christmas presents, especially the penguin!!

Three movies below...the first one is SO FUNNY!! Nate was watching his great Uncle Phil tell a story yesterday and he was talking with his hands. A couple hours later this was Nate's story. All we can figure is that he liked the way Uncle Phil talks with his hands.

Uncle Phil also shared his pancakes and Maple syrup.

Uncle Phil is just SO fun. He chased me around the living room.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

All I want for Christmas is... two front teeth!

Yes, we had to hang him upside down to get the picture of his top teeth :)

Mama has been struggling to come up with ways to entertain a 13 month old. Friday we filled the kitchen sink with soapy water and splashed...Nate was SO wet!! But he had fun.

Here are some videos of Nate; one of his improved walking skills, we're getting there! And another video of him trying to open the oven comes trouble!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Thanksgiving Vacation

We went to Colonial Williamsburg for a couple of days over our Thanksgiving vacation. We had a wonderful time and really enjoyed it. We kept saying things like, "Next time we should..." We would love to have another opportunity to visit. The weather the first day was perfect. We all simply wore sweatshirts while out of doors and were very comfortable. We had fun walking, seeing the animals and eating. Nate however wasn't found of the tours and so we ditched out early on the only one we attempted. Maybe when he's older. Tom says that from the pictures we took you would have a hard time proving he was on this trip, but I was sure to include at least one picture of him - proving he went too!!

The second day was COLD. We made it a half day. You will see one picture though of Nate all bundled up in his stroller. He didn't want to stay in it long that day and he is too heavy to carry for long these days.

First the restaurant we had lunch at the first day:

Tom was there!!

Burr!!! A chilly second day....

So that first night we stayed in a hotel. After checking in we let Nate crawl around to explore the room. Soon he was silent.....a scary sound with a 13 month old. He had discovered the food bag, which didn't seem bad. Most everything in there was individually packaged. But....he found the one thing that wasn't. Mama forgot that at the last minute she grabbed a baggie of fudge for Dada. Nate thought it was REALLY yummy....enjoy the pictures below :)

We had fun! Hope you all enjoyed your time off as well!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mama's new "do"

I've been running errands this week that I haven't been able to do, Doctor's, Dentists and today...HAIR!! I went alittle more wild since I wont be sitting in an office all day long!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Look ma NO HANDS!!!!!

Some fun pictures. Tom and Nate hanging out. Mama and Nate ready to go out into the cold (Nate's gotten a new coat since this picture was taken, but this is his new hat).

Nate trying to get into trouble. :) He is wondering why we were mean enough to block off the stairs. He also likes walking under the table...there are lots chairs to hold onto. He also LOVES to wear Dada's hat!

Some videos per Nana's request...

Nana requested more videos so that she could see her little grandson playing. So here are some videos from the past few days. Mostly just us talking, crawling, playing, etc. Some of these are a little longer than they usually are, so it might take a little while for blogspot to upload. I was trying to get Nate's early attempts at walking...

Staying home and playing

So as of this week I am now a stay at home mommy! Wow, what a change. I was working SO hard this past summer at work. The stress of work, trying to keep up with things at home, and Tom working so hard (and being gone) for school. We have decided that it is time to slow down and have someone be able to do laundry and clean the kitchen. Besides the fact that Tom's rotations will be taking him to some fun places this spring and I don't want to miss out! So I am now a stay at home mommy, who doesn't plan to stay home much. :)

So to keep me from getting bored....come play with me!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Playin', walkin', and back talkin'

Now Nate regulary will walk around with some help from us. He often will do it holding only one hand. I think it must make him a little nervous though cuz he won't do it for very long before he wants that other hand. He now seems to enjoy wrestling around on the floor, unless of course he needs to go investigate something important or retrieve his "passie."

Nate's not allowed to touch the TV or the DVD player. It is a constant battle since he always wants to push the buttons and play with all things electronic. Every time he gets up to play with the DVD player we tell him no but he persists. His newest thing is to back-talk us in his little baby talk words. It's so hard not to laugh cuz it's pretty cute....we're working on that.

Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Joe, Aunt Amy, Uncle Adam, and cousin Jessa came to visit

Cousin Jessa and Grandpa hangin' out with Nate. Everybody came down for Nate's birthday party and spent the weekend with us. We all had a good time. Nate was really fascinated by Uncle Adam's hat. Guess he loves the Cubbies as much as Uncle Adam and Daddy do.

Nate's also practicing his sweet fork skills! Stay tuned he's gettin good!

Nate's Birthday Party

Mama made cupcakes for my birthday. She even let me do it myself! I like cake! I got it all over the place, which was fun and tasty.

We needed to use the vacuum to clean that little guy up afterward. Then there were all the toys.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Puttin' stuff on the bus

I really like to take the little people off the bus and put them in through the back door. Sometimes I get creative and try to put other things in the back door. hehehe

The bus was one of my birthday presents from Nana & Pappy Wilson. Thanks...I love it!

Climbin' & Jabberin'

I like to talk while I'm climbing up the stairs these days. Too bad I don't know how to get down!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tractor says, "Vroom vroom"

I like my tractors and cars and such....

Halloween costume...A tough little lion

Nate thinks that his halloween costume is the best stuffed animal (no stuffing) ever. He loves it and wants to take it everywhere. Just don't put it on him.


Nate now picks up anything electronic looking (TV remote, battery charger and phones...or even some square toys) and holds them to his ear and says, "Allo." He is good at talking on the phone...I have no idea where he learned that :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back home...around the house

Sorry it has been so long since we have last posted. Daddy was gone in Florida for a month and took Mama's lap top. Between trying to be a single mother, working full-time, and not having her normal portable computer, Mama struggled to get any of the hundreds of pictures and videos she was taking down loaded. Finally you can see the past 6 weeks in the next several posts. The first post is our "back at home" post that shows just how big Nate has gotten and are the most recent pictures. In the following posts you will find pictures and videos from when Nate and Mama visited Dada in Florida over labor day weekend. We sure had a FUN time! Check out the "Visiting Daddy" posts as well...We hope you enjoy!

Visiting Daddy...I'm a talker

I am a very verbal baby. These two videos show me chatting away in our hotel room in Pensecola, Florida. The other is Nate "singing" himself to sleep in the car. This is the way he puts himself to sleep in the car most of the time.

Visiting Daddy...Playing

We played at several "playgrounds" and mall toys and such. Here are a few examples of our family fun time!