Wow, today is a good day. Nate's one week birthday was yesterday. The first week was a hard one for me, but it is getting much better. Last time I wrote I was having headaches...those lasted through yesterday. Yesterday Nate and I had our second follow-up with our doctor, who called the hospital and got me in to have a procedure done for those headaches. I am glad he took the initiative to do so, as I obviously wasn't able to make myself do it. I had convinced myself that the headaches were just about anything but "spinal" headaches and I just wasn't giving in mentally to the idea :) Stubborn! But anyway, he suggested that I at least try and see if it eliminates any portion of the headache so that we could at least rule it out. I was seen nearly immediately at the hospital in the "pain clinic" for a blood patch. Essentially they gave me another epidural, but this time instead of injecting medicine into it, they injected my own blood. The blood was drawn from my arm and put into my back. They have you lay flat on your stomach during the procedure, which made me nervous, but actually didn't end up hurting. Then after you lay flat on your back for about a half an hour. I guess the blood clots around the spot of the epidural and seals the puncture site. This stops the leakage of cerebral spinal fluid that is causing the headaches. They all seemed to think that I should feel better immediately, I didn't. However, today has been a new day. I haven't had a headache today and have been able to get up and walk around and get out of the house. We even went out for bagels and coffee this morning!!! What a good day. I have been able to do more in the way of taking care of Nate today as well. I want to be able to function on my own by this weekend, when my mom leaves.
So here are some pictures of our last few days....I know that is what most of you tuned in for anyway :)
Nate's first Doctor's appointment. He seems to like Dr Stephens, although he did fill his diaper just in time for his exam!! He wanted to see what Dr Stephens response would be :)

Sleeping with Daddy is pretty fun stuff!
Mama had headaches for a week. It was easiest for her if Nate just slept on her chest, so that she didn't have to get up.

Nate's Halloween costume.

Feeling normal enough to go out for bagel's and coffee!!!! Yippee

Mama and Nate in the nursery.

Yeah, Mama feels pretty good today!
Nate's a big boy. He likes sitting up in his boppy pillow.