Peak-a-boo! Rocking in the rocking chair at Aunt Jeanne & Uncle Ken's house.

Easter Egg hunt at Jeanne & Ken's house with cousins!! SO FUN!!! And best of all the eggs had CANDY!!! What more can a guy ask for? And then check out my stylin' Easter outfit at Church. Mama's friend Lindsay came to visit for the weekend. They had a great time.
So cute! Nate is getting so big. I can't believe he is already on the big kids swing. I tried that with Easton about a month ago and he let go and fell. When do you guys come back to Maryland?
Yay pictures! Nate's SO big!! I can't believe he isn't even 18 months yet. It was weird to see Tom at the grill...I feel like I know you guys from a whole different lifetime. ~Lindsay M
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