Nope just still fat....but thanks for asking. Today one of my patients asked me this lovely question. Let me publicly state my opinion on asking this question...I believe that you should only ask this question if you think you may have to help deliver the child any minute!
Oh and then she suggested yoga. Gee thanks lady.
Oh, I'm sorry. That is just so rude. I'm so paranoid about offending, I never ask - I just wait until I've heard them mention it themselves or it's a VEry reliale source I've heard it from. You definitely do NOT look pregnant though, she is obviously blind!!! And in any case, you just got back from maternity leave. Don't be too hard on yourself because that lady is an idiot. You're lookin' great from the pics I've seen!
Some people have no common sense in these matters... I totally understand! After I had Alex someone said to me "Oh, I thought for sure he would be much bigger because of how big you were." It took me a while to lose some of that weight (still isn't gone totally, but that is more my fault). Don't be hard on yourself, it's the life of a mommy. :)
oh lord - this made me laugh so hard. How stupid can people get!!?? This is when you just look at them and say, "wow."
'Course, maybe you can't do that with a patient. But STILL!!!
I'm just waiting for the first person to ask me the adoption equivalent: How much did you pay for her?
And by the way, as far as i can tell from the pics, you look fabulous, dahling!! :-)
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