The last couple of weekends we have traded babysitting with some friends so that we could each have a "date night". Our turn babysitting was great fun! Nate loved having a friend, but he's older and much more mobile. He can walk and would get away from Nate pretty easily. First they are joining us at the table while Mommy and Daddy ate dinner...
He's getting away again! I want to go too!
So, I'm practicing....although I had some help from Dada here!!
Mommy's friend, Lindsay Meagher, Nate and Mommy went to a cute little town in West Virginia that has a natural mineral springs in town where we could play in the water. It was a really fun relaxing Memorial Day "get-away." Oh and there are two more new posts listed below.
Nate likes his new beach we just need a beach. Smudge thinks that Nate's high chair is a good napping spot. Smudge has also discovered that Nate's Boppy pillow is VERY comfortable to sleep on/in. Nate still does all he can to try to touch, pat or grab Smudge when at all possible. The third picture here was supposed to be his cute little Hawaiian outfit, but he wasn't too thrilled about Mama putting him down to take the picture.