Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tom's residency news...

We have received official word today....  Upon graduation in May, Tom has been accepted into the Ear, Nose and Throat residency program for the Air Force in San Antonio, TX.  That means we will be there another 5 years.  We are very excited and proud of him.  He got one of two slots that were in large demand.  I'm so proud of my hubby.

And here are a couple of photos just for fun....  Nate is cuddling with Nana & Pappy's dog, Maddy.  Also here is Mommy at 15 weeks preggers with the new little one.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ice Skating...

Sorry this is old...its from Thanksgiving weekend, but thought I would share. We had fun playing with Daddy when he had a couple of days off. We went ice skating with Mr Wass (a class mate of Daddy's) and Aunt Steph. We had lots of fun, but Daddy got quite the work out :)

We miss you, Daddy! Can't wait to see you, soon!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Big News....

We are thrilled to officially announce that Nate is going to be a big brother. We are expecting a new addition in early June. Nate has no idea that his life is going to change drastically in just 6 months! We talk about "the baby" with him, but he doesn't get it.

So, sorry that I have really sucked at blogging since the move...sorry about that. Here are a few recent pictures.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Texas Residents...

So its official, we're Texas residents. Unfortunately we live far enough out of San Antonio city limits that we are still without internet at home. We can check our email and such on our phones, but I have been unable to do any blog updates since the move. Hopefully we can find a way to fix it soon.

We are loving out new home and playing with Trina's Aunt, Uncle, cousins and their kids on a regular basis in San Antonio. Below are pictures of the house. We've done some painting and Tom & his Dad built a bookcase into the "library" (front room).
Nate is really growing up. He is just chatting away and regularly talking in small 2-3 word phrases. He is really becoming a good communicator. He is great fun, although he is really entering the world of the terrible twos!
Although Tom has been separated from us much of the summer (with only short visits built in), we have been blessed to have several visits from family over the summer. Tom's Dad & brother helped us move. My Mom, sister-in-law, and niece helped us unpack and do some painting (with help from my aunt and cousin too). My Mom also visited again shortly after that when I had some unexpected medical issues. Tom was able to visit twice and the second time his parents came too. We all spent a week at Tom's parents house and Nate and I are visiting my parents for a couple of weeks. Nate has really enjoyed getting to know all of his grandparents!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Packing up...

So we are packing everything up, putting it on a truck this weekend and officially moving to Texas. I am excited to paint, decorate and get settled in. I hope to have more interesting picutres and cause to actually post to the blog once we are moved!! Here mostly I would be getting picture of boxes. But Nate has really been interested in all his old baby stuff coming out of storage for the move. He wants to use it all, so here is a comparison of Nate at 19 months and Nate at 1 month....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Visit to Grandma & Grandpa....and fun news!

While Daddy was really busy doing his inpatient internal medicine rotation, Nate and Mommy went to Grandma & Grandpa Willson's house for a visit. Aunt Amy and Jessa came for a visit at the same time. Jessa and Nate had a blast together! I think Grandma and Grandpa had some fun too :) The mommies got some adult interaction time which was appreciated too. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the week.

AND.....our exciting news....(no we aren't pregnant)
We close on a house in TEXAS tomorrow!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 2009

Some pictures from the past week. Nate swinging on the big boy swing and having a snack.

Peak-a-boo! Rocking in the rocking chair at Aunt Jeanne & Uncle Ken's house.

Easter Egg hunt at Jeanne & Ken's house with cousins!! SO FUN!!! And best of all the eggs had CANDY!!! What more can a guy ask for? And then check out my stylin' Easter outfit at Church. Mama's friend Lindsay came to visit for the weekend. They had a great time.

Mama and Dada have had lots of fun grilling out back of the "hotel room." I helped Daddy carry the charcoal out to the grill!!!