Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Verbal Abuse of Our Servicemen & Women

I apologize for interrupting the normal string of pictures and updates on our family but I wanted to take a minute to speak something important on my mind. I recently received an e-mail that reported several incidents of verbal assault against our servicemen & women here in the Washington DC area. I can't tell you how badly this behavior grieves me and how appalling it is if we as citizens tolerate it. People are entitled to free speech but not to personal attacks on what they see as representatives of an institution. If you hear or see something like this going on please do not tolerate it, report it to local police so it can be addressed. (Servicememebers have been asked to report these issues to police if we witness or are targeted, thus my request for you to report)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nate's first time at a birthday party...

Nate's first birthday party...well not his birthday, but the first time he went to a party. Happy birthday Greyson! He had lots of fun on the swings! :) This was from last weekend.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Per Lindsay M.'s request...

Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything. Life has been busy since going back to work full time. I don't have those off days to post pictures. Lindsay M reminded me that it had been a while since I last posted and Nate and I are home today as he was throwing up this morning as we were getting ready for work and daycare. We went to the doctor this morning. He sure looks happy, he just made a mess of my floors when he lost his whole breakfast :)

The first 4 pictures are from today....cute boy in his shorts! The first two pictures he's watching baseball with Dada...he didn't make it too long into the game.. and the next two are him waking up from a nap with Mama in Mama & Daddy's bed. His sheets and mattress pad are in the wash, as he had made a mess of those too!!

The next two pictures are from Mother's Day, which was also the day he was dedicated at church. Doesn't he look dashing in his sweater vest? Cute boy.

Next, Nate LOVES his little toy that he sits or stands at and pushes the buttons to make it sing songs. It was a Christmas present from Nana and Pappy and he is just really getting to where he really likes to play with it.